BF Artists Film Festival
22 — 23 touko 2019
The BF Artist Film Festival is a critical platform for artists working with moving image. Open to national and international artists, the festival programme is selected via a recurring open call held 3 times annually. The free entrance tickets for both days are available through our Eventbrite page.
The Pixelache 2019 Festival iteration of the BF Artists Film festival is curated by Beth Fox.
About the Festival
Despite it's current prevalence in degree shows, commercial exhibitions and international biennales, video art can still be overlooked in a gallery setting. The BF Artist Film Festival was established in 2016 to give artists working with moving image the opportunity to have their films screened in a cinema setting where they could be watched in their entirety. The event was originally known as 'The Bomb Factory Artist Film Festival' as it was hosted by The Bomb Factory Art Foundation in London, but in 2018, the project became independent of space and was renamed The BF Artist Film Festival. The festival now partners with different artist-led spaces around the UK, aiming to offer multiple and varied screening opportunities to selected artists while engaging new audiences around the country.
The BF Artist Film Festival acknowledges that it is increasingly difficult for emerging artists to operate as the price of studios and further education continues to rise. The Festival works to address this by keeping application fees to a minimum, and providing a supportive network to promote emerging and early career artists working within the field of moving image.
Programme Day 1 - Zip Zap Boing
22.05. between 18:00 - 21:00
Part I
Parallax Something Equals Everything by David Sherry (9)
Do You Feel Sexy? by Cindy Hinant (2.00)
The Self Centred by Electra Lyhne-Gold (7.00)
Actions on stillness by Imann Gaye (2.00)
Space Composition by Marta Krześlak (5.27)
Commanding Content by Karolina Magnusson Murray (7.36)
R.O.T.M. by Max Hollands (3.00)
Part II
00II by Ankita Anand (4.00)
GIF Cat GIF by Claire Davies (8.00)
There You Are by Maxima Smith (2.08)
Tunnel by Duncan Poulton (2.40)
How to buy nothing by Micheál O'Connell a.k.a. Mocksim (1.00)
Desktop Drama by Myles Painter (9.55)
Anything I Can do is Not Art Because I’m Not an Artist by Jim and Sid (3.15)
Programme Day 2 - Attack Ships on Fire
23.05. between 18:00 - 21:00
Part III
Hello and Good Evening by Guy Oliver (3.00)
Carla is ready for love by Nura Catalan (1.26)
We Exist Between Layers of the Surface by Samantha Harvey (4.50)
Welcome to Introduction to Fractal Sex by Simón García-Miñaúr (2.37)
Multi-Lens Uncertainty by Jacob Levi (8.05)
Holiday Worlds by Campbell McConnell (5.05)
Call On Me Call On Me Call On Me Call On Me / CCCCaaaallll OOOOnnnn MMMMeeee by Ryo Ikeshiro (3.35)
Lacoste1 by Gary Zhexi Zhang (8.34)
Part IV
Story Time with Mr. Orange by Sid and Jim (7.10)
Mum Selfie by Floriebunda (2.00)
Supreme by Maud Craigie (9.10)
Forever in a Day by Eden Mitsenmacher (3.06)
Inject With Life by Laura Yuile (5.00)
Arianne by Naomi Fitzsimmons (13.05)
For more information about the BF Artists Film Festival check out the page here.