Breaking the Fifth Wall - Vernissage
20 touko 2019 17:00 — 20:00
Breaking the Fifth wall focuses on inclusiveness before specialisation, difference before identity and play before culture. The festival is about creating and simultaneously exploring alternative pathways, tangible interactions apart from the anaesthetised interfaces which slowly envelope our social interactions.
The Pixelache Helsinki 2019 festival will be held throughout the city, with a programme of events and installations within its borders however our intent is to draw audience members away from the usual central city cultural spaces, with workshops held in the culturally diverse neighbourhoods of Kontula in East Helsinki (Museum of Impossible Forms), former industrial spaces repurposed as cultural zones (Oranssi, Kalasatama), independent art spaces (Maa-Tila, Sörnäinen and SOLU an artistic laboratory and platform for art, science and society) as well as outside of the city itself with a fully developed collaboration with our partners Seinäjoki’s Taidehalli.
/// Solu, Luotsikatu 13, 00160 Helsinki Finland, Katajanokka /// 20.5 - 26.5 /// Vernissage 20.5. at 17:00 // Opening hours: Tue - Thu 14:00-18:00 Fri - Sat 10:00-18:00 Sun 13:00-17:00 ///
/// DRIES DEPOORTER - Quick Fix /// VARVARA AND MAR - Data Shop /// BIOSIGNALS - Audio Archive /// HEYON HAN - Instant Materialisms ///
/// VIDHA SAUMYA AND ALI AKBAR MEHTA /// Direct-Contact > Feedback /// Solu, Luotsikatu 13, 00160 Helsinki Finland, Katajanokka /// 20.05. /// 18:00 - 20:00 ///
The Pixelache Helsinki 2019 Festival made in cooperation with BF Artist Film Festival, JOB’D, Keru, MAA-Tila, M-Cult, Museum of Impossible Forms, Myymälä2, SOLU and Trojan Horse Summer School.
The Pixelache Helsinki Festival 2019 - Breaking the Fifth Wall is supported by Helsinki City, Nordisk Kulturkontakt, TAIKE, SKR Etelä-Pohjanma and Seinäjoki Taidehalli.