
Images From Day 4 of 2019 Festival - Breaking the Fifth Wall, Words by Steve Maher, Photos by Antti Ahonen and Currated by Mathilde Palenius
15.07. 16.29
Dear Diary, Day four of our festival, at the far end of the Helsinki metro station in Kontula, Jan Lütjohan continues to work with his merry troupe of carpenters as part of Working with hands in a post-industrial society at The Museum of Impossible Forms....
Images from day 3 of 2019 Festival - Breaking the Fifth Wall, words by Steve Maher and photos by Antti Ahonen.
7.05. 11.50
Dear Diary, Day three of our seven day festival is underway. We follow up two days of launches, a group exhibition of invited artists at SOLU (featuring Varvara and Mar, Dries Depoorter, Heyon Han and Pixelache's own Bio-Signals team on day one) and a solo...
Images from day 2 of 2019 Festival - Breaking the Fifth Wall, words by Steve Maher and photos by Antti Ahonen.
17.04. 11.00
Dear Diary, Here comes another long overdue archive post of photos from the 2019 Pixelache Festival - Breaking the Fifth Wall. Photos by Antti Ahonen The day kicked off with a second vernissage dedicated to long time member Samir Bhomik and his solo show...
Images from day 1 of 2019 Festival - Breaking the Fifth Wall, A long overdue diary with words by Steve Maher and photos by Antti Ahonen.
2.04. 15.00
Dear Diary, A long overdue archive post of photos from the 2019 Pixelache Festival - Breaking the Fifth Wall. Photos by Antti Ahonen The first day in Helsinki arrived, following the pre-festival events in Seinäjoki lead by festival Co-Curator Alan Bulfin....